Sasquatch IV Levels

Sample level in this collection

Added July 15, 2001
Prolific level author David Skinner released this set in March, 2001.

He says this set ranges in difficulty from medium to very hard, like his Sasquatch III set. David has included a wide variety of puzzle types, from small to large, with a few decorative (but still challenging) levels.

Author: David Skinner,
Original level website:

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Player Comments on Sasquatch IV Levels

From on Sep 19, 2005
Difficulty: 4: Requires considerable thought
Ok, so level 33 has owned me for like 2 weeks (and all of the people I work with). Any hints? (Base strategy: Finish north and south first, can't resolve the east wests when they 6 stones in them, and four in the middle) Help?